Tuesday 10 April 2012

Storyboard for Blackmail

When it came to creating a storyboard with our group, we thought about a static storyboard but also a storyboard which we could move around. The idea for the static storyboard was just to create a number of boxes and to draw and write what's happening in this shot. But what we ended up doing was cutting out lots of small pieces of paper and ended up drawing and writing the brief of what's happening on each small bit of paper. Doing this allowed us to move things around and gave us easier access to recognize each scene but also to adjust and tweak small bits if needed to.

Original storyboard draft
Here is our groups original storyboard, and as you can see it is quite static and doesn't have much going on. It was also very hard to fit all of the scenes onto this bit of paper. The method we ended up using was a lot more efficient and ended up working out a lot better.

Scene one & two
Scene one
 The first scene introduces two characters (Clark & Nancy) and the plot is Nancy, a film/celebrity star is backstage at an awards premier. Meanwhile Clark, who is cool and smooth with the ladies approaches Nancy hoping to get her attention in order to get a story for his slowly declining newspaper.
Scene Two
Scene two we are introduced to our final character who is Martha (Clark's wife) and we are presented with a close up of Martha's face while Clark was busy day dreaming about the night he met Nancy. Clark is quick to dismiss Martha, and he ventures off to work in a hurry.

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