Thursday 12 April 2012

Creating my Film Noir poster

After looking at a few film noir posters, it was now time for our group to create our own. With the film now all done and edited we had two tasks left which were our film posters and a double page film review of 'Blackmail'. Instead of making a poster and film review for the group, we had to design and make our own.

The first process was using the studio at school to take photograph's for each of our posters. We decided to go for a mysterious and gloomy feel for the shoot, so we used a lot of shadows to create that mood.

Here are some photographs of us in the studio taking photo's for our posters and film reviews. As you can see we are using a Nikon SLR camera for the shoot, and we did end up using a tripod for steadiness, but this isn't shown in this screenshot. Once we had finished taking photograph's we were left with choosing each of our favourite photo's and editing them on Adobe Photoshop CS4/5. 

These three images are the ones I chose to use for my Film Noir poster  - 

 As you can see from the three photograph's they are very dark and show strong shadows. I like the eerie feel that all of them have and I believe will create a very mysterious film poster.

To create this effect all I done was opened all three images on photoshop and converted them to black and white. Next I adjusted the contrast slightly to make the whites and blacks stand out more, especially the shadows in contrast to the skin and hair. Lastly I used the curves tool to balance out the lights and darks in the overall photograph.

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