Tuesday 10 April 2012

Character Profiles

The three characters in Blackmail are all very different and have different ideas and personalities. Our group thought it would be vital to introduce our characters and to explain some of their common traits. We also done interviews with our characters, answering some simple but important questions about what our characters were like. We thought doing a video of our characters instead of just explaining them with words would be a lot more effective.

Martha is Clark McCaine's wife in our film Blackmail. She is a typical 1950's housewife, who is reserved, comes across as very innocent but if someone was abusing her happy and innocent ways, they would know about it. Martha dresses very simply and keeps herself looking presentable for when her husband arrives home from work. She is also very friendly and easy to get on with and is very understanding and helpful.

Clark McCaine is a business man who runs his own newspaper, he comes across as very rushed and stressed a lot of the time. Although he is quite stressed with his newspaper company, Clark is always seen as polite. He often see's himself as a hard worker and would almost do anything to be successful and at the top of his game. He dresses smartly with a full suit and trilby.

Nancy Hartley is movie star/ celebrity who is seen as very snobby and seen to love herself an awful lot. Although she is snobby, she is very honest and isn't afraid to voice her opinion on things. Nancy dresses like a typical celebrity, and is out to look glamorous all of the time. As we find out in the film, she has an affair with Clark McCaine.

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