Thursday 12 April 2012

Blackmail Film Poster

Here is my own personal poster for our groups film noir 'Blackmail'.

Overall I am very happy with the outcome of the poster, and feel it works very nice in relation to our film noir. As I said in a previous post the aim was to create this mysterious and eerie feel, something very typical of a film noir. I also decided to have the poster in black and white to really capture conventions of a typical film noir. But in contrast to the black and white colour scheme I mixed it up with some colours for the text. As you can see I decided to use a sort of newspaper font for the title, which fits in well with our film noir and adds a personal touch. Also the strong, vibrant red for the title adds threat and danger to the poster, making it stand out to the viewer. I added a couple of reviews which were from our personal feedback sheet, I felt this also added a personal touch, as they are real reviews.

To edit the film poster I used Adobe Photoshop CS5. The first step of creating the poster was adding all three posters onto an A4 blank page. Once all three images were on the page, I cropped them slightly and fitted them into each corner. The bottom right corner was left blank white, so I simply used a black paint brush to fill in the area. Once the background was complete I moved onto the text. I used the text box tool on Photoshop and just added the text which was required, adjusted the size and rotated the title slightly.

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